An Authorizer's Role
A basic element of the chartered public school model is a nonprofit corporation founded by teachers, parents and community folks is granted a "charter" or "public franchise" to operate a public school by a state approved entity known as an "Authorizer." In Minnesota, an authorizer may be a traditional school district, a non-sectarian non-profit organization, a college or university, or a new nonprofit created for the sole purpose of authorizing schools (known as single-purpose authorizers).
The role of an authorizer is to ensure that the schools it authorizes fulfill the purposes for chartered public schools and that the agreed upon terms of the charter contract, in order to safeguard quality educational opportunities for students, and maintain public trust and confidence. For more information about Minnesota Authorizers, including their responsibilities and requirements, please visit the MN Association of Charter Schools website.
Lionsgate Academy's Authorizer
Lionsgate Academy’s authorizer is Novation Education Opportunities (NEO). NEO is a single purpose Charter School Authorizer in the state of Minnesota. The mission of NEO is to authorize and oversee charter schools through consistent, ongoing and robust evaluation to achieve significant and measurable student growth. The vision of NEO is to be a leading Minnesota Authorizer of innovation , diverse and effective charter schools.
For more information about NEO, please visit their website or see the contact information listed below:
Novation Education Opportunities
Attn: Wendy Swanson-Choi
3432 Denmark Ave, Ste 130
Eagan, MN 55123
Phone: 612-889-2103